First of all, I want to thank all of you for the feedback on my first blog! I got something like 400 views in the first 24 hours, which is AMAZING! I also got told it jerked a few tears... SORRRRRY!
Now I've told you all about myself, I'm gonna tell you about all the people close too me, as I can imagine I'll be mentioning these people in my blogs ALOT! I'll start with my friends and work my way too family:)
Me and my best friend, Aanisaa. (when I was blonde) |
Aanisaa's art on the beach when we went to Cornwall! |
This girl just means so much to me. She's the best friend a girl could wish for, in a sense that when I'm in hospital, she always makes sure she comes and visits me (even though its 2 long bus journeys away). She runs around after me, if I'm having a coughing fit she can tell when its a bad one, and instantly runs for something for me too spit flem into. The best thing about being her friend, is we can not speak or see each other for ages, then when we do see each other its like we've never been apart! We've known each other for 11 years now, and have been best friends ever since. I can't even put into words how grateful I am for her.
Now I'll tell you abit about my guy-friends:
From left to right.. Me, Aanisaa, George, Kris, Sol, and the two in the back are Blinky and Matt. |
These guys are just, MINT! So much love for them.. I only started speaking to them properly in July, and I have a brother/sister bond with all of them Again I very rarely see these guys cause I've not been going out much lately (keeping myself as warm and as well as I can for Christmas!) but they always come and see me at my house when I can't get out, and they ALWAYS bring me Mcdonalds to the hospital when I'm in, and sometimes the bring be fudge. woo! They're like stars, I don't always see them but I KNOW they're always there. I had an amazing summer with these guys! Hopefully by next summer I will have my sparkly new lungs and have even more fun!:)
Me and Orianna. |
This girl makes my sides hurt, she makes me laugh too the point where I start choking on my laughter.. We have our ups and downs but its usually over stupid stuff, like which shoes we do and don't like or something.. so its easily sorted:) We go and meet celebrities together, cause I get too meet them privately.. CF & being in a wheelchair has too have some perks doesn't it!? ;) This photo by the way, was taken a few weeks ago at a photo shoot we went on together, SO MUCH FUN!
Lucy and Me.. She's 16. |
This is my sister Lucy.. she's my youngest, older sister.. if that makes sense? We fight like cat and dog, but I wind her up really cause I know she won't react ;) We argue so much but if anyone else tries to give either of us crap then the other one doesn't let the person live it down.. Like I said she's the youngest of my 3 older sisters. For some reason I don't have any updated pictures of me with them.. so I'll talk about them on another blog :)
I was going to do this a little longer.. but its 3.30am and I'm getting kind of tired so I'll mention 1 last person
me and my amazing mummy |
My mum is amazing! Her and my "dad" separated about 4 years ago, and ever since she has done everything for me, drives too a from the hospital every day when I'm in, she's now quit her job so she can be my full time carer. She used to be able too do my IV's at home but now the hospital like too keep me in, as I'm on a new drug that can only be given via canula.. so that stinks. But me and my mum have silly arguments all the time, then within seconds we start laughing about it. I love you so much mum!
That's it for now anyway!:)
Liz xo
lizzie u amaze me with your words such caring , fun your friends an family are lucky to have u in their life every pic i see of u your always smiling xxxxx
ReplyDeleteLizzie you have a powerfull strong heart i litterally burted into tears for ure first blog that i just read now and left me out of tissues for your secound blog. It amazes me how strong you are and how difficult it is. Hope you get better asap and get those new lair of lungs and get up and running darling...i wish all the best!! Xoxo