
I really feel like i'm abandoning my blog but every time I go to write something on here, I realise I haven't actually done anything interesting. I haven't this time but just letting you know how I am really.

I'll get the only bad news out of the way, my portacath MIGHT be broken :( for anyone that doesn't know what that is, it's a small plastic lump thats under my armpit. And basically when I was younger I had so many canulas that my veins got bored and must have thought "oh I know, lets be awkward little veins and disappear so Lizzie can't get anymore medicine into us" when this happens most people with CF get a portacath, it's hard to explain what it is so i'm just going to say its like an artificial vein. The line inside me obviously isn't my own so I shouldn't feel any of the medicine going in. Last iv's I was experiencing ALOT of pain when they gave me the antibiotics. They did two lineagramms (which is where they put dye into the line and x-ray whilst doing it do see if the dye seeps through any cracks) but both of them were fine. They also did an ultrasound where I was feeling the pain and that also showed nothing, frustrating really as I think the doctors thought I was just being dramatic. I'm hoping my port was having a bad week as I really don't want to have another op :(

Since I got out of hospital I've been feeling great. The first week I was being sick ALOT but when we changed my peg we soon realised why.. It was nasty, eugh. I would post the picture but to be honest I was sick when I saw it and i'm not usually queasy, just thinking about it now is making me feel sick eugh.

Like I said i've been feeling fab! So that's left a lot of time for friends! yeyyy. We've been spending a lot of time outside now it's getting warmer.... Watch as soon as I post this the heavens will open. We haven't been doing a lot just walking (me being pushed) round. today I went for an ice blast and a hot-dog from the cinema. We sat down on some grass and Adam played the guitar and it was just nice, like a film or something. I'm a pretty cheesy person so I enjoy these moments haha.

I also managed to cross another item off my bucket list this week, I helped a homeless man! I was pretty scared of approaching him because i've never actually spoken to someone who's homeless before. But he was lovely, I asked him if he was okay and if their was anything I could get him and he just asked for a hot drink. So I took him to café nero and I got him a large hot chocolate, his name was Eddie. I really suggest that if you have a few pounds going spare after a shopping trip and you see a homeless person, that you should buy them maybe a sandwich or something. The feeling you get after doing it is so amazing, and lets face it you'd probably only spend that last couple of pounds on something that will rot your teeth ;)

Most of the time I don't have much to write about on my blog, so if you could comment things you'd like me to talk about.. like maybe you want a bit more insight into something, or maybe you don't understand something, just comment and i'll probably do a post on it :)) If I have something I know you want to know about then I can stop doing these crappy little updates, and just update you when something good/major is happening.

I've been on the transplant list for 14 months and 4 days now. HURRY UP LUNGS... THINGS TO DO, PLACES TO GO, PEOPLE TO SEE!